working mom

Working Mom

I’m a working mom at heart. I miss working. I miss the routine, the excitement of a new project, the adulting and the feeling of contribution. They say the grass is always greener. Well, I’ve lived both worlds and I prefer to work. Look, I love being a mom but I NEED the balance. I’m just not great at doing “mom” stuff all the time. I need more. To understand what I’m getting at, see my post, Meant for More.

I’ve been told that I’m:

  • An overachiever
  • Burning the candle at both ends
  • A perfectionist
  • In a constant state of fight or flight
  • Monica from Friends

The truth is, I feel the most alive when I have a bunch on my plate. I’ve never been comfortable in a slow relaxed state for very long. Maybe that’s one of my many flaws. Or maybe its a strength! 👌


Honestly, my daughter desperately misses daycare. I could be offended by that…but she is MY daughter after all. She craves people the same way I do. While in 4K for 3 hours, 4 days a week she gets her only source of social interaction besides me and her dad. I get it. It’s not enough. She constantly asks why she can’t stay with all her friends that go to daycare outside of 4K hours. I just don’t have the heart to tell her, its because we can’t afford it. She wouldn’t understand and it hurts my heart that she can’t be with her friends.

child posing for back to school

I know we are not alone in this.

So many people are going through some pretty crazy changes due to this whole pandemic. I’m trying my hardest to be grateful for this extra time with my child while she is young. It’s nice having the time to relax and gain new skills but y’all, it’s tough.

Job Hunt

Oh. Emmm. Geeeeeeeee. I’m so tired of looking for a job. I’ve been at it for over a year now. At first I was casually looking with spurts of actively looking. For the past 6 months, I have really been pounding the pavement, to no avail. It’s disheartening.

fighting the good fight

The thing is, I know I’m a catch. I’m professional, have a degree, possess great skills, gained excellent experience and I have an awesome personality. Focusing on strengths here! 😁


  • My current industry is very niche
  • I command a high salary (& I should!)
  • There are over 200 candidates for every job I apply for
  • I want to relocate (no offense Wisconsinites, winter just isn’t my jam)
  • COVID sucks!

It’s not for a lack of trying, I promise you that. I’ve rewritten my resume (a few times), contacted a career coach, researched the companies I’ve interviewed with, gotten really good at LinkedIn, updated other job sites, been in touch with recruiters. It’s. Just. Not. Happening.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some success. There have been many phone and zoom interviews. I’ve even been flown out for interviews with different companies in various locations FOUR times! None of them worked out for different reasons, one of which is Covid…But I keep fighting the good fight because I’m 100% ready to go back to work.

Final Thoughts

Through all of this, there has been a common theme. (Forget Covid, I’m not giving this pandemic the satisfaction! Haha 🙈)

Proverbs 19:21


My faith is what is keeping me going. I know He has a plan and I am trying my darnedest to trust in His timing. God’s timing is perfect timing. For now, I’ll just pray for the RIGHT opportunity, not the quickest opportunity. But if you have any leads, hit me up! 😉

Follow me for more whimsical heart stories.

I’m Christy. I am a multi-passionate type 1 diabetic working mom who loves to craft and help others embrace who they truly are while figuring out this whole “adult” thing. On the blog, you’ll find all things #adulting like: travel, parenthood, career stuff, personal growth, and so much more!

Dreaming in Düsseldorf

October 9, 2020

Type 1 Diabetic

November 18, 2020