What’s in a name?

Well, hello there! Thank you for stopping by. It would be apropos to tell you about how I came to chose the name of my new blog in my very 1st blog post. So here goes….first off, starting a blog is something I have thought about for a few years now. These thoughts just led to questions like: What would I write about? Why would anyone want to hear what I have to say? How would I brand it? What’s the goal? When would I have time?

These are the questions I have asked myself over and over again. Until recently. I was finally able to answer at least 1 of those burning questions!

When would I have time?

image of a street signal for pedestrians with the walk symbol.

Now! Now that I have been furloughed due to Covid-19, I actually have time! Sure, I’m brushing up on some skills, organizing the heck out of my house and doing all sorts of things I never had “time” for. But what about the blog I’ve been dreaming of? It’s time.

Then I started to gain clarity on some of the other questions and suddenly the words are just flowing out of my brain at record speed! I needed to write them down. So I’m writing to you…but more for myself. I need this type of release like nobodies business.

So what’s in a name anyways? I have many ideas on topics I will write about but how should I name this new blog of mine? Then it hit me.

While I am sharing my world with you all, I’m also showing my heart.

image of beach sand with "love" written in it. What's in a blog name?
I drew in the sand at Pismo Beach, CA on our 1st trip to the beach together.

What’s more, is when I met my husband, he lovingly characterized me as “fun & whimsicalwhich made my heart sing! At no point in time did I think anyone, let alone a man, would see me this way. I didn’t even see myself this way. After reflecting on this for a bit I thought about who I am and how I relate to others. LIGHT BULB! It made complete sense! I never thought about what I was like until I met my husband. He is someone who values me for who I really am and accepts me wholeheartedly. This is all gushy stuff that I’m sure I will write about later but as my sister would say….barf! Moving on.

man and woman dressed as scarecrows for Halloween.
One of our many couples halloween costumes together

As I keep dreaming (and writing) these 2 words kept spinning in my head…Whimsical & Heart. So there you go. That is indeed, what’s in a name.

Share your story in the comments. I’d love to hear it! Head over to the contact page to get in touch and follow me for more whimsical heart stories.


I’m Christy. I am a multi-passionate type 1 diabetic working mom who loves to craft and help others embrace who they truly are while figuring out this whole “adult” thing. On the blog, you’ll find all things #adulting like: travel, parenthood, career stuff, personal growth, and so much more!