Our Happy Everleigh After

Last month my daughter turned 5. My BABY turned a whole hand 👋, as we call it at home. Where did the time go?! It’s strange how time seems to go so slow yet warp speed at the same time. It’s true […]

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Blog Break

I’m taking a short blog break while in California. I’ll be back soon! In mid-July, we took a planned trip to California. It was supposed to be 9 days. Luckily, it has turned into so much more. Our plan was to arrive […]

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Team building, events & parties, Oh My!

This girl loves a good party, who doesn’t? Not only do I love parties, I especially love to plan them. And I’m pretty good at it if I do say so myself. 😉 Heck, I’d do it professionally if I thought I […]

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