Inviting a new perspective

It’s funny how a shock to the system can change your perspective or even your lifestyle.

Since I was furloughed 3 weeks ago, I am changed. And I don’t mean that my life was terrible and now it is great. I mean that at my core, I am beginning to see glimmers of hope and new beginnings and it feels great! The areas I have noticed the most difference are:

Big ones, right? Well, I think that’s by design.

image of a mannequin head with screws in it. Inviting a new perspective.

✔Metally has been in a few areas…
1️⃣First and foremost: Attitude. My mind has been overworked and overstressed to the point of changing my entire attitude almost to the brink of my personality crumbling. Can we say burnout?! Now I’m finding myself again and that is powerful.

2️⃣Secondly: Clarity – I can see clearly now the rain is gone. 


 I’m completely serious but I do love that song. 


 My mind is clear and the mental fog has lifted. Now, I can make decisions about my future without fear.

3️⃣Lastly: Organization. I have always been the one that believes that everything has a place and there is a place for everything. Over the past few years, nothing had a place or at least…it felt like everything was out of place. What is the old school phrase people use about this?? I think it says something like…“an organized home makes for an organized mind.” That sums it up for me! I’ve gone through just about everything in my house and it’s so gratifying.

A woman in front of a gloomy sky. Inviting a new perspective.

✔Spiritually – Since this all began I have started a devotional, been reading the bible, I pray every day and have attended online church services. When we moved across the county, we never really found a church. Compound that with being homesick and not loving your new situation and that screams trouble. And I know how to find trouble. This new cadence has brought me closer to God and makes me feel more whole. I don’t expect everyone to believe or try this but it’s what I believe and brings me peace.

Mother and young daughter on a large rock.
Hiking with my little nugget – Rib Mountain State Park, WI

✔Physically – I have a tendency to wallow. I don’t want to wallow. You see, I’ve never been one to sit still. I like busyness. If I sit still, I wallow or get depressed. I’m also an extrovert so staying home has been tough!

So I picked myself up and started moving my body…something I haven’t done since relocating. It feels good! I added a morning routine of some sort of video exercise that I can do in my living room such as yoga. Man, yoga is hard! But it’s also so relaxing and calming for my racing mind. And when the weather is nice I walk. Walking is so good because it gives me a chance to absorb the sunshine, think, reflect and pray.

I read a quote on Instagram today that said, “I drink a cup of sunshine every morning to brighten myself.” I don’t know who wrote it but isn’t that inspiring?!

While I would love to drop some pounds, that isn’t my real goal with physical activity. Moving my body while providing some peace is good for my soul and that is exactly what I want and need to tap into.

image of dirt in hands with a plant growing. Inviting a new perspective.

I hope that this touches you in some way. If life has thrown you a curveball or if you need just a little extra push, I’m happy to help. Leave a comment & Follow me for more whimsical heart stories.

I’m Christy. I am a multi-passionate type 1 diabetic working mom who loves to craft and help others embrace who they truly are while figuring out this whole “adult” thing. On the blog, you’ll find all things #adulting like: travel, parenthood, career stuff, personal growth, and so much more!

What's in a name?

May 4, 2020