On The Move Again

Well, here we are again. On the move, in search of something new. It seems to be a familiar place I put myself in. Uprooting my family in search of bigger and better things. I talk more about our previous moves in […]

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Adventures in London

Our adventures in London didn’t start there. This adventure started in Ireland. I was there for work and we had the best time! If you remember those posts, you’ll also remember my mom and sister were along for the ride. As you […]

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Dreaming in Düsseldorf

Let’s talk about dreaming in Düsseldorf. I’ve been to Düsseldorf Germany twice. Both trips were for work events but that didn’t stop me from seeing some sights. If you know me at all, you know that I can’t sit still. I try […]

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Back from my blog break!

It wouldn’t be 2020 without the craziness that was our trip to California. Since our 9-day trip turned into 7 weeks, I took a break from the blog. Now that I’m back, I’m writing again and it feels so good! I’d like […]

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Blog Break

I’m taking a short blog break while in California. I’ll be back soon! In mid-July, we took a planned trip to California. It was supposed to be 9 days. Luckily, it has turned into so much more. Our plan was to arrive […]

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My Heart Belongs in Paris

When I say, “Paris, Je t’adore” I mean it, I adore Paris. My heart belongs in Paris. It is everything I hoped it would be. I’m so lucky to have gone to this enchanting city! I will never forget that once in […]

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Clover Girls take Ireland – Part 2

Since our trip was so jam-packed, I thought it best to separate this post into 2 parts. See our Dublin experience in Part 1 here. Below I’ll walk you through how the Clover Girls take Ireland part 2 in Northern Ireland. Enjoy! […]

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Clover Girls take Ireland – Part 1

History and Heritage I have always claimed Irish as my heritage even though I had no proof. The thing I cling to is my given last name, Clover. My paternal grandparents did some research and they believed that Clover used to be […]

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Traveling Alone in Amsterdam

I’ve got the travel bug. I mean, bad. Luckily, my career takes me to some really cool places that I otherwise wouldn’t have to opportunity to enjoy. I have been to destinations close to the continental US such as Mexico, Hawaii and […]

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Tips for Traveling Abroad

It’s so exciting to plan a trip to anywhere really, but traveling abroad is just a little more special to my heart. 💖 But, it can be daunting when I think about planning my next trip. That’s why I am giving you […]

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