On The Move Again

Well, here we are again. On the move, in search of something new. It seems to be a familiar place I put myself in. Uprooting my family in search of bigger and better things. I talk more about our previous moves in […]

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Our Happy Everleigh After

Last month my daughter turned 5. My BABY turned a whole hand 👋, as we call it at home. Where did the time go?! It’s strange how time seems to go so slow yet warp speed at the same time. It’s true […]

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The Beauty in New Beginnings

Finding the beauty in new beginnings is something I’ve always been great at. Do you know what’s so marvelous about starting something new? It’s like hitting the reset button. I’m over the moon to be starting a new career in January! It’s […]

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Type 1 Diabetic

I didn’t know how or what would inspire me to write about being type 1 diabetic but here we are. November is Diabetes Awareness Month and also happens to be my favorite month. I don’t identify as a diabetic social influencer because […]

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Working Mom

I’m a working mom at heart. I miss working. I miss the routine, the excitement of a new project, the adulting and the feeling of contribution. They say the grass is always greener. Well, I’ve lived both worlds and I prefer to […]

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Back from my blog break!

It wouldn’t be 2020 without the craziness that was our trip to California. Since our 9-day trip turned into 7 weeks, I took a break from the blog. Now that I’m back, I’m writing again and it feels so good! I’d like […]

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Blog Break

I’m taking a short blog break while in California. I’ll be back soon! In mid-July, we took a planned trip to California. It was supposed to be 9 days. Luckily, it has turned into so much more. Our plan was to arrive […]

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A Woman in Today’s Society

Let’s talk about what it’s like to be a woman in today’s society. The pressure, guilt and heartache that plagues women today. I have been unemployed for 3 months now. Victim of Covid-19 furloughs. It stings. I’m resentful. There are days when […]

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Meant for more

Growing up, all I ever wanted was to be a wife and mother. Maybe that’s because that’s what my mom wanted to be. Sure she worked, but that wasn’t her heart’s desire which is perfectly fine. It wasn’t until college that I […]

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How we moved across the country….I’ve done this before. I should have known what to expect. It’s hard to be a transplant when you are so incredibly close to your family. It’s tough. I miss them every day. And to think of […]

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