
Able Advocates

Non profit Able Advocates image
Able Advocates – Non profit

One thing I am super passionate about is helping people in a real and tangible way. I support that passion in my career but also with some volunteer work. Since moving away from home I haven’t been able to support my favorite non-profit in the ways I’d like. Its just logistics. I still do what I can from afar.

Able Advocates aides parents in acquiring information and supporting one another along the journey, especially in those moments of overwhelm and confusion.  We believe in advocating for—and one day delivering—the quality care that our wonderful children deserve.

“To provide appropriate resources and support to parents and caregivers of children with special needs in order to assist them with navigating the health care system with greater ease, and to do all things appropriate to further such purpose.”

This organization is close to my heart because it is run by the most selfless person I have ever met! She loves so greatly and it shows in her work, her family and her smile. Katrina has gone through so much but you would never know it. The work she does meets the needs of many. In fact, there is a whole group of volunteers that give their time including Physical Therapists, Assistive Technology Professionals and many more to help these families when they don’t have any other options.

If you would like to lean more, please visit their site:

To read more about me visit my About Me Page: